Wednesday, April 12, 2006

On Monday I attended my first Nyu-gakko party, celebrating a child starting elementary school. The most notable thing about this particular Nyu-gakkoIwai was that the only food on offer was goat and duck sashimi, yes that's right raw goat! It was a fun night though and apparently I do like goat sashimi. There is very little I will not eat. The following day I was invited back to finish the job and this time all the teachers came and there was an even bigger feast! In addition to the raw goat there was goat meat soup and regular fish sashimi as well as vegetable and tofu dishes. I think I ate for 3 hours solid and still had room at the end for cake. I was very tired and left at around 9ish. Lame I know! But in my defence I haven’t had a proper nights sleep for about 2 weeks what with having guests on my island and what not. I had hoped to get to sleep early that night but no! I was called up for a farewell nomikai for Nagi, she will be leaving today (wed), I suppose the date must have slipped my mind! I had to leave that early too, at about 11.30, but I really, really needed sleep. I had a class with my new ichinensei first period so energy was required, that and I am an old man. A very young old man, but an old man none the less. Although I enjoy the busy times in Izena I am also beginning to appreciate the quiet times more and more. It's a shame I have no control over when and where they happen. Oh and apparently they wanted me to join in with their sea ranger thing during Golden week but unfortunately I will be in Tokyo/Kyoto during that time. It is a balancing act trying to give time to my island and do other things; I'll get it down eventually, perhaps.
Ah yes! In other news! My plants are growing! The Cosmos, carrots and tomatoes have all germinated and are little baby plants now! I will plant some more plants in the other half of my plot soon, I weeded it yesterday. Although perhaps I should save some space for transplanting the carrots when I thin them out. Oh the simple joys of gardening! I reckon my minigarden will be the horticultural gem in the crown of Izena Junoir High ;). Yeah right!

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