Friday, November 24, 2006

Well I feel in my bones it is time to post again. Last year saw the MYC (mid year conference) which unlike last year I found useful. It is a three day seminar, an opening ceremony on the first day followed by two day of workshops run by ALTs for ALTs. As this is the only time of the year when all the ALTs (Okinawa only) are together it is also a bit of a party. It was fun but I don't see much point in relaying elaborate details of exactly what I did. Suffice to say the climax saw the three islanders reunited in their jumpsuits. What else is going on in my life? Well one thing I have done is apply to be transferred to Okinawa Honto (the main island). "What!" you may scream why would you leave your paradise island! Well...sometimes I wonder this and sometimes I am very grateful that one way or another this will be my last year. My mood goes up and down, shortly after I handed the form to my supervisor I had a very good few days and wondered the sanity of my desision. Nothing special happened, I just had some funny moments with the kids, Had some good conversations, the lady in the cake shop randomly lent me a dvd of a movie she had liked when she was my age. Then there are time like the last few days when I have felt isolated and a little lonely. So my mood goes up and down but don't get me wrong, if I came here again I would come to Izena all over again AND stay two years again for sure. I mean I would choose to be on Izena for two years than be on Okinawa Honto. I believe I have one of the best placements in all of Okinawa (perhaps Japan but I can't really judge that one). So why leave? Well the largest factor is a change. I know my third year here would more or less be the same as the last and that does no inspire me in the least! I want a change and leaving Japan would also give me change, big change, but that would be the more difficult choice. Having a new area, a new school and being able to join some new clubs (I have my eye on Karate and Kendo) would be change and enough and perhaps most importantly I would be closer to Kelly and wouldn't be reliant on the ferry to come and see her. It would also be easier for me to do this distance learning course (diploma for grads in management) I have embarked on over two years. This all said the transfer is far from certain and I will be faced with a tough choice if it falls through. In other matters I am reading Ishmael right now. It worries me greatly. Not because of the message that we (the human race) are busy destroying the world, I knew that and it is a matter close to my heart. But rather his bizarre explanation as to why we are doing this. I have been writing in my note book as I read, poking holes in this theories (and their are lots). I haven't yet finished the book and perhaps the 'genius' of the book is in the overall message and not the detail. I am however experiencing a growing dread that the view of Daniel Quinn as expressed through Ishmael are held by many people, even the majority of people?! I shudder to think. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who also had issues with the book, and once I have finished I can compile my notes lambasting the book for anyone who loved/liked/didn't mind the book and wondered what I could take such great offence at!


Sumochewsgum said...

good luck craig. I think u had one of the greatest placements too.altho i really like ginza as well. but i would've loved to be on some tiny island as well. plus i think i would be HEALTHIER istead of fatter n lazier

japalinka said...

i shall await deinen notizen on the book. It was indeed a strang tale, but sehr interesant auch.

i didn't know you liked to eat flower petals. you're turning a wee bit strange.

d said...

I can't say how many times I have read Ishmael. No matter where I'm at, or what I'm thinking about reading that puts my head on straight - or at least facing a new direction.


So no, you're wrong!