Monday, August 29, 2005

So I escaped my island again this weekend, naughty me! There was an Orion beer and Eisa festival in Okinawa city so I though I would go through and hang out with other JETs for that. I took the ferry through on Friday and stayed with David, an awesome guy from Colorado, which is an awesome state too. On Friday night we went to an Izekia for some JETs birthday, I sat down next to some US Marines and I pretty much talked to them all night. They were pretty cool guys and I had a good time talking to them, they seemed pretty decent sorts. We hit an arcade after that and me and David owned the taiko drumming game. On the Saturday we met up with Rodger and went to the Ocean expo. Park in Motobu (David�s home town) which boats the worlds second biggest aquarium! It was amazing, huge whale sharks and manta rays, although I think my favourite was the manatees, they are so slow and serene, I liked 'em. Later that afternoon we started off towards Okinawa city, and boy was that an adventure. We got so lost numerous times, we were literally bouncing from one site of the island to the other, it's only a few miles wide at some points. Eventually we got to Okinawa city where we were supposed to meet up with Kelly and Kerry but even that was hard, it took us three hours +. They were next to a Family Mart and Hot Spar, so four Family Marts and three Hot Spars later we finally find them, that was a good feeling. So we basically missed the festival but no worries, we had a wonderful drunken night with a bunch of other Jets. I had to then wake up horrible early on Sunday to get back unto Nago to catch the last ferry at 3.30 or so I thought. I managed to get back up, using public transport in about an hour! So I then had several hours in Nago to burn, no worries, I had recently got paid and there is nothing to spend money on in Izena so time to shop! I bought much randomness and had a darn good time doing it :). Time to relax on my little island and dust of my piano playing on the keyboard I bought. Oh I have also started playing basketball on my island, it's tiring! But fun, even though I suck not really having done it before.

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